Hello, dry fasting club family! As I continue deep work on the Scorch Protocol, I think I have to take a quick break and write about the new mpox WHO emergency declaration.
Are we about to be hit by the next 'plandemic?' Sure looks like it.

Do any of you remember the mini monkeypox fear porn from 2 years ago? I remember as the fear started ramping up people were buying Sarracenia purpurea extracts/tinctures. Did you grab one just in case? Might make sense - but if you can't really afford it, I wouldn't stress too much. I bought this one:

Dry Fasting
We've got dry fasting in our tool belt when things get rough – But for all you severe long haulers or Lyme sufferers, you know that dry fasting brings back Quality of Life but its often NOT ENOUGH to heal. The idea is that if you can dry fast a solid 5+ days early on (when symptoms appear), you may be able to stop a lot of neurological downstream damage. Just remember, when you're exiting the 5+ day dry fast (and even shorter ones) you'll need to really take into account the vulnerability window that I always talk about. This is when the re-flare can happen, as the small amount of remaining virus or other viruses (latent) hiding in your neurons get triggered. Anti-viral strategies are highly recommended. I don't really think of ivermectin as much of an anti-viral these days - more so as a vagus nerve stimulator, anti-parasitic, and bile health helper.
Things to keep in mind
I'm not going to go into crazy detail, so think of this as just a quick schizo information dump.
- These "pandemics" are used in part to cover for financial objectives that protect the elite's interests during the slow burst of the global debt bubble. When they scream "Pandemic!" no one questions printing of TRILLIONS. Also, the trillions cause inflation, which furthers their 2030 so-called ESG goals — which is really about reducing the middle class into a tiny number of people who serve the elite by watching over the peasants, who are all slowly dying in a profitable way from sicknesses caused by their injections.
- Expect inflation if we get a repeat of covid. There's not much you can do in this situation except try to time the markets, buy some bitcoin when it goes down, and stock up the pantry.
- Some people are already reporting monkeypox and calling in sick - is it similar to covid where it was already heavily circulating in north America before it was even announced?
- It's airborne?

- Right on time before elections again