There are very few places online that collect information to make your life easier. Between the fasting coaches and retreats, it seems like there's a constant battle not to advertise your 'competitors'. I think this mentality is ridiculous, and I've even been attacked by certain individuals who attempted to take my information down. I'm hoping to help people on their health journeys by making it a little easier. Dry fasting can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around. "Just don't eat or drink water" is the silliest thing I hear from time to time. Fasting is individual, just like health, and you need to collect as much information from multiple sources as possible. I'm sorry that it's not easy, but hopefully the following information can help you a little bit as you navigate this world. If I am missing other sources that you think should be here please send me an email
Starving to Heal in Siberia
Starving to Heal in Siberia by Michelle Slater is a compelling memoir that chronicles the author's journey to overcome chronic Lyme disease through unconventional means. After exhausting traditional medical treatments with no success, Slater travels to a remote clinic in Siberia to undertake a supervised, extended dry fast. The book delves into her physical and emotional challenges during the fasting period, highlighting how this drastic measure leads to a profound transformation in her health.
Fasting With Trevor
Probably the most legitimate record holder for dry fasting length. There are others who have claimed similar times or longer, but without any proof, whereas Trevor provides many videos and pictures that serve as good evidence that he has indeed dry fasted for extensive lengths. If you are someone who believes they want to push dry fasting boundaries and that their disease requires it - Trevor is someone you should definitely look into.

Jeune Sec - Michel Deladoey
Dry fasting retreats are the fastest way for you to safely jump into extended dry fasts and I highly recommend them to people urgently looking to kick-start their healing journey. I speak some French and definitely enjoy watching Michel's interviews with his recent fasters on youtube.
I know that Svetlana has also tried to demonize Michel as someone who came to Filonov's retreats and stole his knowledge, but I think that that kind of mentality is ridiculous. Michel Deladoey focuses more on a low-carb approach, so the plethora of carnivore advocates would feel more at home with his style vs Filonov's. However, you do need to keep in mind that to rev back the metabolism carbs are usually necessary. But still, knowing that – Chronic illnesses change the playing field. You should understand how to navigate them or talk to someone who understands how to walk the fine line between both therapeutic ketosis and metabolism.

Sergey Filonov
Check out Dr. Sergey Filonov's dry fasting retreat, where he's known as the pioneer of bringing dry fasting to the West. I've had some run-ins with Svetlana over copyrights—she tried to get my info taken down.
There's a bit of a sales pitch vibe here, where they encourage you to join ASAP no matter your health. I've talked to and helped a bunch of people who felt abandoned by Filonov's team when their health either didn't improve or got worse. Still, most people do seem to benefit, although remember, those attending are often dealing with serious health issues, so it's a challenging group.
The commercialization and occasional legal threats are a bit of a hassle, but honestly, the retreat itself is valuable. If you're looking to safely start with extended dry fasting, I recommend it.
Just be cautious; long dry fasts aren't for everyone. If you have adrenal issues, going beyond 5 days might make things worse, and they don't always warn you about that.
Ascension Code
Ivanna has some interesting takes. Fruitarian-focused alternative healing, which can be hard to find in the dry fasting space. There are a few others out there, so feel free to send me an email if there's some big ones I should have on here.

A Healthy Alternative
Focused more on alternative medicine with quite a bit of focus on fasting. Dry fasting is discussed from time to time.

Luke Coutinho
Luke wrote a book called Dry Fasting Miracle, however I do not recommend it as a buy. It is a little bit of a fluff piece on short dry fasts (think Ramadan style) so it's not really something most people looking for deeper dry fasting information would find informational. Other than the book, Luke is a great personality and well versed in naturopathic approaches.
Tallis Barker
Tallis has dibs on and as a doctor of Philosophy and Piano(?) teaching, he has lots of experience in dealing with people and coaching them. A very popular water fasting coach who has also dabbled in dry fasting. One of his specialties (from talking with many people who have worked with him) is a blend of long water fasts with small dry fasts sprinkled throughout them on specific days like the acidotic crisis.

The Scorch Protocol
In my opinion, the most valuable dry fasting information on the internet, haha. The real magic is inside the Scorch Protocol Miro Board (Zoom in zoom out masterpiece) which is a living document. To get access to it, you need to be a paid subscriber and go to the Article "Simplified Scorch 2024" and then scroll to the bottom. Good luck!