Everyone is always looking for a cure for cold sores and genital herpes – Is dry fasting it? The consensus is that herpes is for life. It will infect and rest dormant in your nerve cells and come out during times of stress. But can dry fasting have something to say about it?
It wouldn’t be the first time a disease like psoriasis or eczema has been healed with dry fasting. The real question is: Those that claim to have beaten herpes, have they really beaten herpes simplex, or has it only gone into remission?
We’ll discuss the current stances and experiences of people when it comes to the herpes simplex virus and dry fasting. Before you continue, I'd like to advise you that I believe that dry fasting does cure herpes, but it requires practicing to gain experience and eventually be ready to perform a deeper dry fast that can target the herpes-infected nerve cells.
Read about dry fasting and psoriasis or eczema:

What is dry fasting?
Dry fasting is a type of fasting where individuals abstain from both food and water for a certain period. Unlike traditional fasting, which restricts food intake, or water fasting, which restricts water intake, dry fasting requires the body to rely on its internal water reserves and metabolic reactions for energy.
With roots dating back to ancient times for religious and spiritual purposes, dry fasting has potential health benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving metabolic health, and increasing longevity.
However, the risks, including dehydration, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections are there if you don't approach it correctly. Dry fasting durations vary, with some people opting for 24-hour fasts while others choose longer periods. It is crucial to stay hydrated before and after dry fasting and to consult with a medical professional beforehand, especially if one has underlying health conditions.
When done properly, dry fasting can contribute to overall physical and mental well-being. It is the strongest type of fasting available, and some healing mechanisms can only occur while dry fasting. A 7-day dry fast is comparable to a 21-day water fast.
What is the Herpes virus?
Herpes viruses are a family of large, double-stranded DNA viruses that infect humans and animals. There are nine types of herpes viruses that infect humans, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and human herpesvirus (HHV) types 6, 7, and 8.
The Herpes virus remains dormant within the host's cells for extended periods of time, this is usually for the host's lifetime. Sometimes the virus reactivates, and it can even spread through asymptomatic shedding. This is usually caused by the immune system being weakened, which allows for the virus to activate and cause symptomatic infection. HSV-1 is the most common type of herpes and is said to affect nearly 90% of the human population, even though most immune systems do well enough to hold the virus in remission.
HSV-1 and HSV-2 are responsible for oral and genital herpes, respectively, characterized by painful, fluid-filled blisters that can recur throughout a person's life. VZV causes chickenpox during initial infection and shingles upon reactivation. EBV is the primary cause of the mononucleosis virus which is characterized by not being able to speak (mono), while CMV can lead to a range of complications, particularly in immunocompromised individuals.
HHV-6 and HHV-7 are associated with roseola infantum, a common childhood illness. HHV-8 is linked to Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of cancer that affects the skin and other tissues. Herpes viruses are highly prevalent worldwide, and infection can lead to various health issues, ranging from mild to life-threatening, depending on the specific virus and the host's immune status.
Oral and Genital Herpes
Oral and genital herpes, HSV1 and HSV2, are the most common forms of herpes. These are the herpes most people struggle to find a cure for so desperately. Oral herpes causes a lot of stress for those with a struggling immune system. This has let the virus set up a powerful stronghold in your neuronal cells. There is no known cure postulated by the mainstream science. But dry fasting begs to differ.
The Herpes virus possesses a unique ability to remain dormant in nerve cells and persist within the body for an individual's entire life. It's like they say "Herpes is for life." Some people may never experience another outbreak after the initial one, what this means is that some people become asymptomatic. In fact, most people are actually asymptomatic.
This is due to a stronger immune system, or other unknown factors which may have to do with how deeply the virus colonized the neuronal cells, or it may have to do with genetics. However, factors such as emotional or physical distress, poor diet, and weakened immunity can sometimes cause cold sores to reappear, leading to herpes outbreaks that come out again and again.
If an individual senses that an outbreak is coming, the amino acid Lysine can provide significant relief. Lysine, available as an over-the-counter supplement, has been shown to inhibit the replication of the herpes virus and reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks when taken regularly or during the early stages of an outbreak. The supplement that you buy is called L-Lysine, and it's sold in most stores and online. Some people require just 500mg, while others take up to 3 grams once they feel it coming.
It is essential to understand the role of another amino acid, L-Arginine, in cold sore outbreaks. L-Arginine is a significant contributor to the activation of the herpes virus. Consuming foods high in L-Arginine, such as nuts, chocolate, and whole grains, may trigger or exacerbate an outbreak. Interestingly, L-Arginine and L-Lysine share similar receptor pathways within the body, functioning like a balanced scale. To prevent most herpes outbreaks, it is advisable to consume less L-Arginine and more L-Lysine in one's diet. This balance may help to keep the herpes virus dormant and reduce the likelihood of an outbreak.

There's also certain medications that can help manage herpes outbreaks. In the case of an active sore or pre-sore itchiness, a prescription cream called Acyclovir or Zovirax can be beneficial. It's always most effective to target the cold sore before it fully grows, so at the first sign. The medications try to stop the virus from replicating. This is a very similar mechanism to high-dose l-lysine. What a bother isn't it?
Wouldn't it be so much simpler to get rid of the virus or at least put it into permanent remission? You can do this with dry fasting, while at the same time rejuvenating the body, and aging backward. It just takes some discipline.
The Healing Power of Fasting on Herpes
Fasting has been an integral part of human culture for centuries, often associated with spiritual significance and utilized to promote health and well-being. The concept is simple: abstaining from food for extended periods allows the body to undergo a process called autophagy, where damaged cells are cleared out, making way for the regeneration of new ones. It's like hitting the reset button on your body at a cellular level.
Specifically in the context of herpes, fasting has been proposed to play a role in managing outbreaks by reducing inflammation and enhancing immune response. When the body is not preoccupied with digesting food, it shifts its focus to repair and restoration processes. This could potentially be beneficial in controlling the herpes virus and reducing the frequency or severity of outbreaks.
Understanding Autophagy and Its Potential Impact
Autophagy is a natural process that occurs within our bodies when we fast for prolonged periods. The body, deprived of its regular source of energy from food, begins to recycle unnecessary or dysfunctional cellular components, including damaged proteins, organelles, and even pathogens such as viruses.
In terms of herpes, this means that the body could potentially clear out cells containing the virus while fasting, limiting its ability to replicate and cause an outbreak. This mechanism not only holds promise for controlling the virus but also brings broader benefits for overall health and well-being.
This mechanism illustrates how fasting promotes internal resilience by repairing and rejuvenating cells, which could positively influence the body's response to the herpes virus.
It's important to note that while fasting shows promise in managing herpes outbreaks naturally, it should always be approached with caution, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions or those taking medications. Consulting with a healthcare professional before embarking on any fasting regimen is crucial to ensure it's safe and suitable for individual circumstances.
Has anyone else cured herpes with dry fasting?
I've personally worked with two people who cured their herpes with dry fasting. I don't know if we can say it with certainty if the fact that herpes can never be eliminated is true. However, it's safe to say the herpes virus has gone into total remission over the last 1.5 years, which was a first for them. Each person would have an outbreak at a minimum of every 6 months. We built up their dry fasting experience in a quick and safe way. After a few initial fasts, we went for a 7-day dry fast, which put the virus into remission. Who knows, it may have also been cured. None of them have gotten tested to see if there are still antibodies in the blood, but once they do, I will update this.
Is there possibly some truth to the idea of dry fasting to heal herpes? If it is possible to get rid of it, we would have to assume one of two mechanisms happening. The first would be that during autophagy, stem cells, and cellular restructuring, the body is able to eliminate the virus. The second concept would revolve around the body restructuring certain pathways that would put the virus into remission and/or suppression.
Considering most of the world has some form of herpes exposure, most people are able to suppress the virus for most of their life. It would seem that healing the body to a level where you get to enjoy full virus suppression, would be an outcome that everyone would want. So yes, if we assume the accounts of ‘healing’ herpes through dry fasting are true, then most likely it means that you get your body to a level where it is able to fully suppress the virus.
I’ve seen videos from Cole Robinson saying he cured his herpes simplex through dry fasting. This combined with a Dr. Sebi alkaline diet seemed to show some promising stuff. I’ve been dry fasting 72 hours a week for 2 weeks now with the other days as refeeding with alkaline fruits and herbs to detox the body of mucus and acidity. Has anyone cured their herpes cold sores with dry fasting? My overall symptoms are a lot better but it would be motivating if someone has been doing this and has been successful in being cured. -Reddit user
Theory #1: The deeper you enter the acidosis crisis, the more cellular cleanup will occur
Is it possible that this high-level autophagy brought on by dry fasting could be the key to healing herpes? This intriguing theory suggests that during a dry fast, the body's natural cellular clean-up and recycling process, autophagy, becomes more potent.
Typically, standard autophagy might not be able to reach certain viruses deeply embedded within nerve cells. However, the deeper autophagy occurring during dry fasting could potentially target and eliminate these elusive viral cells. If true, this could be a game-changer for those seeking relief from herpes through dry fasting.

Theory #2: L-Arginine and herpes during a dry fast
The L-Arginine theory is coined from The Dry Fasting Club Discord group
The theory states that prior to your dry fast you eat a diet very high in L-Arginine to trigger a cold sore outbreak. This triggered outbreak should be felt as a tingle on your lips like most cold sores would start. The moment you feel the onset of the herpes outbreak, you begin your dry fast.
This should theoretically expose the virus that normally lies dormant, and the body in its dry fasted healing state will be able to focus on disassembling the viral proteins. Normally the virus would lay hidden in nerve cells and not targeted. To get ahead of the cold sore virus, you’d need to speed up water loss and glycogen depletion.
The advice is to begin the fast quickly and follow up with exercise and/or sauna use during the first 24 hours. I discuss the dangers of exercise and sauna use on dehydration and kidney damage. But from personal experience, the first day you are still full of water and high in glycogen so the dangers seem very limited.

Theory #3: Hyperosmotic environment enables healing of herpes-infected nerve cells
Another idea worth considering is the formation of a hyperosmotic environment within the body during dry fasting. This concentrated state might be able to draw in cellular debris into the blood, since the blood has a higher solute concentration that just keeps increasing the longer the dry fast continues.
This allows for more profound healing within cells because as the dehydration sets in during a dry fast, the increased osmotic pressure could potentially force viral debris and viruses out of the cells and into the blood, thereby stopping their ability to hide deep inside. This might allow the body to more effectively remove harmful substances, including viruses, that have been hidden in these regions.
Theory #4: Massively upregulated autophagy may heal herpes-infected cells
Could the highly acidic environment produced by massive ketone burning during dry fasting hold the key to treating herpes? This theory suggests that as the body enters ketosis while dry fasting, the resulting acidic environment causes lysosomes to become hyperactive, leading to an unprecedented level of cellular repair and regeneration.
These lysosomes, functioning as cellular waste disposal units, could potentially target and break down viruses and other harmful substances more effectively in this acidic milieu. The enhanced lysosomal activity might contribute to a more thorough and efficient healing process, explaining the perceived benefits of dry fasting for those suffering from herpes.
How long would you need to dry fast to cure herpes?
There are many groups online that try to debunk this theory and claim that it’s impossible to get rid of the herpes virus through dry fasting. Even though that may be correct, it’s important to note that many people who failed, did not come close to an adequate timeline for the fast. It’s very important that you’re aware that the deepest healing occurs past day 5 of a dry fast. Some people claim that a hard dry fast will give better results than a soft dry fast.
Dunning says that an ideal restorative dry fast is 7 days, and describes it well in his Phoenix Protocol.
Dr. Filinov claims that healing very severe illnesses requires an 11-day dry fast.
It is interesting that Cole Robinson claims to have healed his client’s herpes with shorter fasts. Around 5-7 days. No matter what it would seem that a long-term fast is necessary (anything 5+ days), to even consider. Cold sores and genital herpes are meant to stay for life, but who knows? I mean, we were all told that 3 days without water spelled certain death. I think the jury is still out on getting rid of the herpes simplex virus via dry fasting. If you or anyone you know has cured herpes with dry fasting, please reach out to the Dry Fasting Club.
Personally, I've helped and believe that 7 days should be enough for this. It seems the herpes virus is easier to heal than severe long covid or severe Lyme disease.
Combining Fasting with Diet and Lifestyle Changes
When it comes to managing herpes, complementing fasting with a nutrient-rich diet and positive lifestyle habits can significantly influence and improve the well-being of individuals grappling with this condition.
Dietary Adjustments: L-lysine, an amino acid found in certain foods, inhibits the replication of the herpes virus and reduces the frequency and severity of outbreaks. Incorporating lysine-rich foods like dairy products, fish, poultry, and legumes into your diet can help keep the herpes virus dormant and decrease the likelihood of outbreaks.
Research suggests that a plant-based, nutrient-dense diet post-fasting is beneficial in providing essential vitamins and minerals that support immune function. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, and other antioxidants plays a crucial role in bolstering immune health and resilience against herpes symptoms.
Imagine your immune system as an army protecting your body from unwanted invaders; feeding it with nourishing foods is akin to providing essential ammunition to ward off potential attacks from the herpes virus.
Lifestyle Modifications: Stress is known to trigger herpes outbreaks, so incorporating stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature can help manage stress levels and subsequently decrease the likelihood of outbreaks. Engaging in regular physical exercise not only contributes to overall health but also supports immune function, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of herpes symptoms.
Furthermore, ensuring quality sleep is vital for maintaining a robust immune system. Integrating these lifestyle changes into your routine can contribute to managing herpes symptoms effectively.
It’s very difficult to get a solid answer since there is so little research being conducted on dry fasting. I believe that I have healed two people from oral herpes with 7-day dry fasts, but without fully funded studies everything will remain anecdotal. If you have any experience with fasting and herpes HSV please send us an email and we would love to add your experience to our arsenal.
If you have any comments, questions, or concerns regarding the article, please reach out to the Dry Fasting Club through the contact page. Use the dry fasting club forums to see protocols and more for herpes and other related illnesses. I also highly recommend you read the Scorch Protocol for Dry Fasting. If you are currently undergoing a dry fast and are looking for accountability partners please join the Dry Fasting Club discord group here.