Are you a carnivore or keto dieter looking to experiment with dry fasting? If so, you're not alone, as many people on these popular diets are now exploring the benefits of dry fasting. However, making the transition from a carnivore or keto lifestyle to dry fasting preparation can be a challenge. That's why we've crafted the Wolfe Protocol Preparation for Dry Fast: a safe and effective way to go from a carnivore or keto diet to dry fasting without jeopardizing your health.

When following a strict carnivore or keto diet, your body relies on fats for fuel, and you may have health issues that are kept in check by eliminating carbs. However, properly preparing for a dry fast involves slowly reintroducing some carbs in the form of vegetable juices. This not only eases the transition but also helps you clear your bowels before the fast. IMPORTANT.
The Protocol recommends cutting out meats, cheeses, and eggs for the last three days before the fast. This is particularly important for those undertaking long dry fasts, as your digestion will shut down during the process. You don't want undigested meat and cheese lingering in your system, potentially causing discomfort or health issues.
Remember, if you're planning a short dry fast (under three days), you don't need to be as strict with the preparation. However, the Protocol is designed to prioritize safety and is specifically recommended for those looking to try longer dry fasts.

More information on items listed in the table
Milk Thistle
How important is milk thistle? **/5
Milk thistle represents trying to revitalize your liver. It should be part of a longer liver recovery program. Liver flushing and intestinal flushing are two of the most important things you can do to dry fast past 5 days safely. At least two weeks before your fast, you should start supplementing with it daily. Beware if you have a ragweed allergy, it's very common to have allergic reactions to milk thistle. What can you do in this situation?
- Dry Fasting has healed thousands of allergies, which are usually the result of a defective immune system. The more you dry fast, the better your chances of lowering allergic reactions which in turn will help you take things like milk thistle down the line.
- Alternative liver flushes like the olive oil and orange juice flush, and epsom salt flushes. Read more about liver flush and intestinal flush

Nattokinase / Serrapeptase
How important is anti-clot therapy? ****/5
Blood clots, micro clots, biofilms, inflammation. There's no doubt that the triple anticoagulation protocol makes you feel better, and a lot of people report improvements. Clearing clots will definitely make you feel better, but in 98% of cases, that's only one of many symptoms you'll need to work on. Learn more about the clot-busting triple anticoagulation theory and the science behind it here. There are 3 main reasons you want to do this. Lessen the inflammatory load on the body, prime for the removal of biofilms, and eliminate clots. Serrapeptase is also an anti-mucolytic enzyme.
Which and where to buy Natto/Serra?
USA potential brand: Click Here

Epsom Salt
Epsom salts, chemically known as magnesium sulphate, are a popular component in liver flush protocols due to their ability to stimulate gallbladder contraction, relax the sphincter of Oddi, and promote bile flow.
I would estimate that a minimum of 2 hours are required for a simple meal to trigger an ileocaecal brake response and 4 hours is required for the MMC. Consequently, 6 hours should elapse between eating and commencing the flush protocol in order to obtain the maximum benefit. Ideally, try to time flushes for the morning after sleep and no ingestion of foods.
Which and where to buy Epsom Salts?
My Canadian brand: Click Here
USA potential brand: Click Here
Make sure to buy food-grade or pharmaceutical-grade Epsom salt, which is suitable for consumption. It is also referred to as "magnesium sulfate heptahydrate." Avoid Epsom salts intended for external use, such as those for baths, as they may contain additional ingredients or fragrances that are not safe to ingest. Learn more about Epsom salts, where to buy them, and their dosages here.

Activated Charcoal
Magnesium Citrate
How important is magnesium citrate? *****/5
Magnesium citrate is used prior to the fast, and during the preparation, because it is more of a laxative, provides citric acid which helps dissolve calcium stones, doesn’t make you as tired, and helps you stock up your magnesium stores. So just remember Citrate is for BEFORE the fast, to help move things along gently. But you should not use citrate right after a fast, because we want to avoid citrus/citrate at least for the first few days. This is where Bisglycinate/glycinate comes into play. Or threonate.
My Canadian brand: Click Here
USA promising brand: Click Here
Magnesium citrate pills also work, but you're forced to drink with water when it's a powder which is important as well as transforming it into ionic magnesium.
The Wolfe Carnivore to Keto Prep for a Dry Fast is the ideal way to transition from a carnivore or keto diet to dry fasting preparation. By following this plan, you can safely and effectively prepare your body for the fasting process while remaining fat-adapted and avoiding any potential complications. So, embrace this unique approach and let us know how it goes for you. Good luck!
More guides on preparing for a dry fast