This blood test comes 5 months after my last one. Within the last 5 months, I have performed two 5-day dry fasts and ten 36-hour dry fasts. There is a considerable improvement. Take a look at my previous tests. This is data that supports the healing benefits of a dry fast and refutes organ damage claims as long as you do it correctly and don't overdo it.

Keep in mind that I am coming off a long stint of carnivore/high-fat diets that raise cholesterol levels. My cholesterol level at the time of testing was 216, down from 309 (Nov 20, 2023 testing). I have been working around this by eating less red meat and rotating low-fat and high-fat meals, specifically avoiding mixing carbs and fats (saturated fats and refined carbs easily lead to high cholesterol). There has been a lot more coconut milk and kefir in the diet ;) I write about it when it comes to cholesterol and gallstone prevention.
Yes, I'm aware of the cholesterol/tri debate when it comes to high-fat diets versus the Standard American Diet or even Low-fat diets ;)
Take this data with the understanding that I have been aggressively dry fasting for a few years, having done anywhere from 3-day dry fasts to 11-day ones. My last 11-day dry fast was more than a year ago.
I even allowed a covid reinfection to fester (on purpose) and to bring back some long covid symptoms earlier this year. I did this to test out my strategies, to get back in the trenches, and to get some answers to certain questions that no one in the chronic illness community seems to know. and I'm happy to report exceptionally fast recovery and back to near full health following symptoms like PEM, POTS, Migraines, Dysautonomia, and Depression. At this point, I believe I'm one of the few forerunners in Long Covid, and my specialty lies in understanding it and beating it more than once. This information very easily translates to a lot of incurable autoimmune and chronic illnesses. Sometimes the best evidence is based on direct experience.
Blood Test Lab Results