This protocol focuses on osmolytes. Molecules that help our cells survive dehydration and heat stress. A theoretical approach that delves into the idea that having a good amount of osmolytes pre-loaded before a dry fast is critical in improving the potential benefits. Of course, you can dry fast without this precaution and still reap tons of benefits, but I think this is an aspect that can seriously increase benefits, so treat it as an efficiency factor. There's also a theory that being deficient in these is one of the reasons why some people see diminishing returns from many dry fasts. I dive into a protocol that I use by stacking the correct supplements at the right times, as well as some theories that I have yet to explore.
You thought I'd be addressing the basics of hydrating before a dry fast? You can find dozens of those videos out there. Here's a quick overview of very simple basics, but remember the Osmolyte protocol is an advanced technique that has the potential to surpass all the other regular hydrating techniques.
Why take Osmolytes?
Osmolytes are particularly crucial in helping organisms adapt to extreme conditions. The presence and concentration of certain osmolytes can be upregulated in response to environmental stresses, including extreme temperature or pressure. Osmolytes work in part by stabilizing the structure of proteins. The presence of specific proteins, their structure, and how they interact with osmolytes can influence the effectiveness of osmolyte protection mechanisms.