The most up-to-date mind map of the scorch protocol. Everything else is outdated. Please make sure you're familiar with it before booking any chats, as it avoids wasting time all around.
The Scorch Protocol in its most dumbed-down & simplified version:
2. Dry Fasting (building up to the length that you need based on symptoms)
3. Carbohydrate refeed (that includes glucose rehabilitation strategies)
I am still in the process of writing out detailed guides based on the Miro Board/Scorch, but if you are really serious about slow and steady improvement, I highly recommend you sign up for monthly sessions with me and, if even more serious, bi-weekly. This goes beyond LLMD's and Long Covid clinics. Often, your illness is a puzzle piece that needs a guiding hand to decipher. This takes time and requires one to truly get to know you, run the right tests, and experiment while guiding you through the right way to fast based on your unique situation. Often, it doesn't even require going further than 5-day fasts. Most people don't understand how to harness the power of fasts and simply simp for the extra long ones due to their intense cortisol release, often doing secondary damage that may or may not be permanent. I'm telling you this because you're a paid member; this information will make a lot of people angry and depressed, but the truth hurts.
While this video series on the Scorch Protocol is worth its weight in gold, the Miro board holds so much more value it's totally worth it.

If you can't afford it, please email or DM me on Discord for the free link.