Understanding the Eight Korean Constitution Types: Important Part of Fasting for Health


Understanding your constitution type is crucial for assessing your healing journey and determining the most beneficial dietary choices.

Table of contents

Start by noting how different foods and activities affect your well-being. Over time, you'll develop a deeper connection with your body's needs, leading to more intuitive and effective self-care practices.

Disclaimer: Use this information simply as a topical guide to diets and to start to understand what the scorch protocol attempts to do and start connecting the dots.

Understanding your constitution type is crucial for assessing your healing journey and determining the most beneficial dietary choices. While it's possible to shift between constitution types through gradual changes in food and lifestyle, this process takes time. Long periods of fasting can disrupt bile production and microbiome balance, potentially weakening liver function. Therefore, avoiding drastic dietary swings is important for maintaining health. Fasting can serve as a powerful reset tool when followed by a refeeding phase focused on easily digestible, low-fiber carbohydrates, allowing you to gradually build toward your desired constitution.

What is the Eight Constitution Medicine?

The Eight Constitution Medicine is a holistic approach rooted in Korean traditional medicine, developed by Dr. Dowon Kuon in the 1960s. This system categorizes individuals into eight distinct constitution types based on the dominance and function of their internal organs. By understanding your constitution type, you can tailor your lifestyle, diet, and even medical treatments to align with your body's inherent strengths and weaknesses. This guide delves deep into each constitution type, offering insights and practical advice, especially concerning food choices, to help beginners navigate this intriguing system.

1. Hepatonia (Liver Type)

Understanding Hepatonia

Individuals with the Hepatonia constitution have a dominant liver and a relatively weaker small intestine. The liver is the body's detox powerhouse, responsible for filtering toxins and aiding in metabolism. For Hepatonias, the liver works exceptionally efficiently, but this can sometimes lead to overactivity, causing imbalances.


  • Physical Traits: Generally lean with a strong upper body. May have a reddish complexion due to active blood circulation.
  • Personality: Often decisive, assertive, and action-oriented. They may have a fiery temperament but are also passionate and enthusiastic.
  • Health Tendencies: Prone to conditions related to liver overactivity, such as migraines or hypertension.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Focus on cooling foods that can balance liver heat. Include plenty of fresh vegetables like cucumbers, lettuce, and zucchini. Fruits such as pears and melons are also excellent. Animal products are very well tolerated.
  • Foods to Limit: Avoid spicy and greasy foods that can overburden the liver. Limit intake of alcohol and caffeine, which can stimulate liver activity excessively.
  • Herbal Teas: Incorporate teas like chrysanthemum and mint to soothe and cool the liver.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Engage in moderate activities like swimming or yoga to promote relaxation.
  • Stress Management: Practice mindfulness and deep-breathing exercises to manage stress, which can impact liver health.

2. Cholecystonia (Gallbladder Type)

Understanding Cholecystonia

Cholecystonia individuals have a dominant gallbladder and a weaker triple burner (a concept in traditional medicine related to energy regulation). The gallbladder aids in digestion by storing and concentrating bile produced by the liver. Animal products are very well tolerated.


  • Physical Traits: Athletic build with strong limbs. May have a yellowish skin tone.
  • Personality: Logical, strategic thinkers who value order and efficiency. They can be meticulous and detail-oriented.
  • Health Tendencies: Susceptible to digestive issues, particularly those involving bile production and flow.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Opt for foods that support bile flow, such as beets, artichokes, and bitter greens like dandelion leaves.
  • Foods to Limit: Reduce intake of fatty and fried foods that can strain the gallbladder. Limit dairy products high in fat.
  • Herbal Teas: Milk thistle and turmeric teas can support gallbladder health.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Incorporate activities that stimulate digestion, like brisk walking or tai chi.
  • Routine: Maintain regular meal times to regulate bile secretion.

3. Pulmotonia (Lung Type)

Understanding Pulmotonia

Those with a Pulmotonia constitution have dominant lungs and a weaker bladder. The lungs are crucial for respiration and distributing qi (vital energy) throughout the body in traditional medicine.


  • Physical Traits: Broad chest and shoulders, indicating strong respiratory capacity. Skin may be fair and delicate.
  • Personality: Often introspective, analytical, and thoughtful. They may prefer solitude and are detail-conscious.
  • Health Tendencies: Prone to respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, or allergies.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Moistening foods that support lung function, such as pears, white mushrooms, and almonds.
  • Foods to Limit: Avoid excessively cold or raw foods that can impair lung qi. Limit exposure to pollutants and smoking environments.
  • Herbal Teas: Licorice root and ginger teas can strengthen lung function.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Engage in breathing exercises, qigong, or gentle aerobic activities to enhance lung capacity.
  • Environment: Use humidifiers and maintain clean air in living spaces.

4. Colonotonia (Large Intestine Type)

Understanding Colonotonia

Colonotonia individuals have a dominant large intestine and a weaker stomach. The large intestine is responsible for absorbing water and eliminating waste.


  • Physical Traits: May have a robust lower abdomen. Skin might be prone to dryness.
  • Personality: Practical, organized, and disciplined. They value routine and can be perfectionists.
  • Health Tendencies: May experience digestive irregularities, constipation, or skin issues.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: High-fiber foods like whole grains, legumes, and vegetables to promote healthy digestion.
  • Foods to Limit: Reduce intake of processed foods and excessive red meat that can slow digestion.
  • Herbal Teas: Senna and peppermint teas can aid in digestion and regularity.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity like jogging or cycling to stimulate bowel movements.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to assist the large intestine in waste elimination.

5. Renotonia (Kidney Type)

Understanding Renotonia

Renotonia types have dominant kidneys and a weaker heart. In traditional medicine, kidneys store essential energy and govern growth and reproduction.


  • Physical Traits: Solid build with strong bones. May have a tendency toward darker hair and complexion.
  • Personality: Determined, persistent, and sometimes introspective. They can be cautious and value security.
  • Health Tendencies: Susceptible to issues like lower back pain, fatigue, or urinary problems.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Nourishing foods like black beans, seaweed, and walnuts to strengthen kidney energy.
  • Foods to Limit: Avoid excessive salt and overly cooling foods that can burden the kidneys.
  • Herbal Teas: Goji berry and rehmannia teas to support kidney health.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Incorporate strengthening exercises like weight training or Pilates.
  • Rest: Ensure adequate sleep to rejuvenate kidney energy.

6. Vesicotonia (Bladder Type)

Understanding Vesicotonia

Individuals with the Vesicotonia constitution have a dominant bladder and a weaker lung system. The bladder stores and excretes urine, playing a role in water metabolism.


  • Physical Traits: Slender with a tendency to retain fluids. May have a pale complexion.
  • Personality: Adaptable, resourceful, and often sociable. They can be spontaneous but may struggle with indecision.
  • Health Tendencies: Prone to urinary tract infections or water retention.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Diuretic foods like celery, watermelon, and parsley to promote healthy urine flow.
  • Foods to Limit: Reduce intake of sugary and overly processed foods that can irritate the bladder.
  • Herbal Teas: Corn silk and barley teas can support bladder function.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Activities like dancing or aerobics to improve circulation and fluid movement.
  • Hydration: Drink adequate water to flush the urinary system but avoid excessive fluids late at night.

7. Pancreotonia (Pancreas Type)

Understanding Pancreotonia

Pancreotonia types have a dominant pancreas and a weaker pericardium (heart protector). The pancreas regulates blood sugar and aids in digestion.


  • Physical Traits: May have a softer body composition with a tendency to gain weight easily.
  • Personality: Nurturing, empathetic, and often put others' needs before their own. They may struggle with setting boundaries.
  • Health Tendencies: Susceptible to blood sugar imbalances, diabetes, or digestive issues.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Foods that stabilize blood sugar like whole grains, legumes, and lean proteins.
  • Foods to Limit: Avoid sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, and excessive alcohol.
  • Herbal Teas: Cinnamon and gymnema teas can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity like walking or swimming to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Meal Planning: Eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep blood sugar levels steady.

8. Gastrotonia (Stomach Type)

Understanding Gastrotonia

Individuals with a Gastrotonia constitution have a dominant stomach and a weaker gallbladder. The stomach is central to digestion and nutrient absorption.


  • Physical Traits: Strong appetite with a robust digestive system. May have a fuller facial appearance.
  • Personality: Outgoing, enthusiastic, and enjoy social gatherings, especially those involving food.
  • Health Tendencies: May experience acid reflux, ulcers, or digestive discomfort when imbalanced.

Food Considerations

  • Beneficial Foods: Easily digestible foods like steamed vegetables, soups, and fermented foods to support digestion.
  • Foods to Limit: Limit spicy, acidic, and fried foods that can irritate the stomach lining.
  • Herbal Teas: Chamomile and ginger teas can soothe the stomach.

Lifestyle Tips

  • Mindful Eating: Eat slowly and chew thoroughly to aid digestion.
  • Stress Reduction: Practice relaxation techniques as stress can impact stomach health.

Yannick Wolfe

15 Years of Fasting Experience, Ex-ME/CFS, Ex-Long covid. Tech Consultant, Molecular biologist, Father, Researcher, Experimenter.

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